YouTuber Who Claimed Turning Vegan Cured Her Cancer And Lesbianism Dies Of Cancer

For centuries, doctors have been trying to find a cure for cancer. The disease, which claimed the lives of 8.8 million people in 2015 (more than twice the population of New Zealand), is currently uncurable despite enormous efforts by many charities to fund research.

For example, in 2016, British charity Cancer Research spent £432 million on trying to establish the cause and cure for the disease which can present itself in more than 100 different forms.

So when YouTube star, Mari Lopez claimed to have cured her cancer, and her “lesbianism”, by simply adopting a vegan diet, people were enthralled.

The video star from Houston, Texas, claimed that banning animal products from her diet cured her cancer within three months.

In an emotional video, published in June 2016, Mari explained how her life had spiraled out of control after the death of her mother. Drinking “three to four bottles of vodka every week” to cope with the loss, Mari stopped working. “I messed up my credit, and just one thing after another, I felt like a complete loser and I had no control” she explained in a 23 minutes YouTube video which has now been viewed more than 350,000 times.


But Mari’s life dramatically changed when she found comfort in God. “My depression was so bad that I told him, if you don’t forgive me, it’s okay, I want to commit suicide because I am so disappointed with my life.” That day Mari read the Bible for the first time. Opening it to a random page, she was stunned to see how relevant that page was to her life. From that moment on she claims that she knew everything would be okay.

The post YouTuber Who Claimed Turning Vegan Cured Her Cancer And Lesbianism Dies Of Cancer appeared first on Viral Thread.

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