YouTube Star Claims To Have Found A “Natural Remedy” For Lightening The Color Of His Skin

Five billion videos are watched on YouTube every day, making it more popular than any television network in existence. So, naturally, when Fraink White, real name Damone Williams, wanted to tell the world about his “natural remedies” for skin lightening, he took to the video sharing website to promote his products.

White, from Las Vegas, became obsessed with skin lightening as a child. As an adult, desperate to cure his hyper-pigmentation, he began to heavily research skin lightening processes. However, when he began to experiment with products, he learned that the practice was heavily stigmatised.

Unashamed about his desire to become paler, White promoted his dramatic transformation via social media, where he was met with mixed reviews…

White, the owner of the self-established Fraink White Skincare, wants to promote skin lightening, the safe way. He is concerned that many people are using dangerous, unregulated products to make their skin paler, due to fear of the taboo which surrounds the practice.

Instead, White wants to encourage those who are determined to lighten their skin to ensure they use products that won’t have any adverse effects, such as skin peeling and burns. Which is why he established his skincare brand and makes YouTube videos.

White has bleached his own skin with hydrogen peroxide. The 28-year-old shares his results online, to influence his followers to make sensible and safe choices with regard to their skincare regime.

Along with hydrogen peroxide, White also recommends kojic acid and papaya soap in his various videos, which have amassed millions of views.

White’s own skincare range includes ingredients such as papaya, licorice root, carrot and tumeric, with products ranging in price from $19.99 to $99.

But, are they safe?

The post YouTube Star Claims To Have Found A “Natural Remedy” For Lightening The Color Of His Skin appeared first on Viral Thread.

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