You Will Feel Really Stupid When You Learn How These Foods Are Actually Grow

No matter how educated you are, the world will always continue to surprise you. However, there isn’t really any excuse for not knowing how your food is grown.

Eating is a necessary requirement for human survival, we do it every day without fail. So, why are we so oblivious to what we put in our mouths? From highly processed snacks, to the natural plants of this world, we are clueless as to how they came to be on our plates.

So to help educate you quickly before your next meal, here are some surprising truths about your favorite fruit and vegetables…

1. Staying grounded

Every year America imports 182,805 tons of asparagus, and yet barely anyone is aware that it grows from the ground like a very small tree!

2. Did you think pineapples grow on trees?

Be honest, you thought pineapples grew on trees, just like an apple. You’re not alone in that thought, in fact, a majority of the world thinks the same. The truth? They grow from the ground.

3. A healthy choice

Quinoa has become extremely popular in recent years, which is predominantly thanks to Instagram health gurus. In fact, it became so popular that the United Nations dubbed 2013 as the “International Year of Quinoa”.

Do you wish you’d paid closer attention in class? Even if you had, they wouldn’t have taught you how this plant grows…

The post You Will Feel Really Stupid When You Learn How These Foods Are Actually Grow appeared first on Viral Thread.

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