WWE Superstar Kane Has Just Been Elected As Mayor Of Knox County

As a lifelong pro-wrestling fan, I have often received a lot of shtick for enjoying the over-the-top sport/entertainment product that is the WWE. If I had a dollar for every time somebody asked me, “Don’t you know it’s fake?”, then I’d be a millionaire. Like seriously, I figured it out at the age of seven – it’s not hard.

However, despite the relentless mocking throughout high school, I couldn’t help but keep watching. WWE’s weekly product is very often poorly scripted, repetitive, childish, and, at best, average – but I simply cannot stop watching, because I am eagerly lying in wait for the next amazing moment they deliver. Moments that make me “mark out” like an over-zealous teenager once again.

Moments like Mankind being thrown off the top of Hell in a Cell or Stone Cold drenching Vince McMahon with a beer truck or amazing matches like Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels – they make dredging through the awful moments worth it. And one of the greatest moments in WWE history came in 1997 when fans saw the debut of Kane at the Badd Blood: In Your House PPV.

Check out that monstrous debut in the video below:


If you’ve never heard of Kane, let me give you a quick summary of his career: He is the half-brother of The Undertaker, hails from “Parts Unknown”, was physically scarred as a child by a house fire that was caused by The Undertaker which also saw the demise of their parents, the injuries he received caused him to wear a mask his entire life, until his was forced to unmask in 2002 when it turned out his scars were just “psychological” (?!?!?). He is a former World Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Hardcore Champion, Money in the Bank winner, and he once electrocuted the boss’ son’s testicles with a car battery.

Oh, and then there’s the whole ‘Katie-Vick’ storyline… but, but we don’t talk about that.

But what really makes me proud to be a wrestling fan are the moments when the wrestlers transcend WWE and make an impact in the real world. For example, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the highest paid actor in Hollywood, but his career started in WWE, where he was one of the most iconic performers in the company’s history. He’s so famous now, that many people are oblivious to his past as a wrestler.

Hell, even the current president of the USA is a WWE Hall of Famer!

Now, in yet another example of a wrestler transcending WWE, Kane – real name Glenn Jacobs – has just been elected Mayor by the people of Knox County.

The quite unbelievable announcement comes less than three weeks after his last match, which saw him reunite with Team Hell No tag-team partner, Daniel Bryan, in a losing effort against WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions, The Bludgeon Brothers.

Running as a Republican, Jacobs defeated Democratic candidate Linda Haney by a landslide 31,739 votes (67%) to 16,611.

As of the 2010 census, the Knox County population was 432,226.

Check out Jacob’s emotional victory speech in the video below:


When Jacobs first announced his intention to run for mayor, he revealed that he was met with “pretty astounding laughter”, but admitted that it was this doubt that “made [him] want it even more.”

“In my primary, I only won by 23 votes in that one, so every vote really does count and I want to make sure I get as many as I possibly can,” Jacobs told WATE 6. “Since May, we’ve been knocking on doors, continuing that. We’ve also continued the process of meeting with department heads, school board, county commissioners, that kind of thing.”

The WWE – Jacob’s home for the last 23 years – have congratulated the WWE Supersar in a statement, writing: “Kane has been elected Mayor of Knox County, Tenn., tonight, capping a path to office that began over a year ago for the former WWE Champion.”

The 51-year-old’s victory sees him become Knox County’s 29th mayor, and amongst his agenda, he promised the people tax cuts along with improvements to education and infrastructure. He will officially assume the position on September 1st.

It’s safe to say that Glenn Jacobs is going to be pretty busy in an office for the next few years, so who knows if we’ll ever see Kane lace-up a pair of boots ever again.

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