12 Jul Women In Arkansas Now Need Permission From Men To Get Abortions
A new law has passed in Arkansas that requires women who wish to have an abortion to gain permission from the men who impregnated them beforehand.
The controversial law is called H.B. 1566, or the Tissue Disposal Mandate, and it’s not as clear-cut as it sounds. Technically, the law is about what should be done with a person’s body after death, and orders that family members must agree on what to do with the deceased’s remains. So what does that have to do with access to abortions?
The important part here is that the bill has classified unborn fetuses as ‘deceased persons’. Since the law states that family members of the unborn fetus (the mother and father) must agree on what to do with the remains, this means that the mother will have to tell whoever impregnated her that she is planning on having an abortion. As they have to agree on what to do with the fetus, the father can of course object the abortion, and potentially be able to stop the procedure from happening.
Even in the case of pregnancy resulting from an abusive partner or sexual assault, the woman will be required to ask the father for permission. Regardless of the nature of their previous relationship, the father would still have a say in the fate of the pregnancy. As for physicians who perform these abortions, they would face criminal penalties if they do so without first asking the father how he would like to dispose of the fetal tissue.
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