24 Aug Woman’s Grave Warning After Everyday Cream Left Her To Look Like She’d Been ‘Skinned Alive’
Eczema is a common and occasionally devastating ailment. My sister suffered from the condition as a child, and our family home was littered with tubs of cream that she had to incessantly use. Whilst most people suffer from mild forms of the disease, at its most severe it can even make wearing clothes challenging.
I developed mild eczema on the back of my neck when I was in my early 20s, and the cream I was prescribed ended up making the condition worse. Thankfully, it has now cleared up, but at its worse, the skin on the back of my neck looked like it had been cut repeatedly with a razor. That’s how red and broken it was.
50-year-old Juli-Anne Coward from Herefordshire, England, has suffered from eczema for all of her life. She was prescribed steroid cream to treat the condition when she was diagnosed at just three months old. However, what happened when she eventually tried to wean herself of it is truly shocking…
Julie suffered from ill health throughout her childhood. After a build up of fluid in her lungs, she suffered an allergic reaction to penecillin and was prescribed cortisone injections – a steroid hormone – for six months to treat the condition. When she eventually recovered and stopped taking cortisone injections, her eczema got worse than it had ever been.
”My eczema went absolutely crazy, and I developed the worst acne you’ve ever seen,’ she revealed. ”The spots were almost like boils – far beyond typical teenage blemishes. They’d crack and bleed.”
For many people, taking medication on a daily basis is an unavoidable part of life. But the human body can unfortunately become dependant to certain substances like steroid cream even when they are no longer beneficial for our health. When Julie was in her early 20s, she realized just how reliant she had become on steroid cream.
At this point her condition had improved considerably and tried to stop using the cream, which now was at a low dose, but suffered from extreme flare ups whenever she dared not to use it. She had no option but to continue using steroid cream, and that’s when her reliance on it turned into an addiction…
(WARNING: The images on the next page are extremely graphic.)
The post Woman’s Grave Warning After Everyday Cream Left Her To Look Like She’d Been ‘Skinned Alive’ appeared first on Viral Thread.
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