12 Jul Woman Finds Cracked Egg On The Floor. Ends Up Striving To Save A Little Life…
What would you do if you found a cracked egg on the ground? Would you leave it there, knowing that whatever was growing inside wouldn’t make it, or would you try and give whatever was inside its best chance at life? Well one woman called Susan Hickman decided that there might be a chance it could survive, and decided to investigate further.
It was the 16th June when she found the egg laying on the ground, an unsure what to do. Not knowing where it had fallen from, or where the mother of this little creature was, Susan did the one thing she thought would be best for the bird – she decided to try and save it herself. From that moment, the real story of Klinger’s life began…
Klinger’s Story
Susan Hickman wrote about Klinger’s story online, starting with the moment she actually found the egg, and realized there was a little bird inside, “As I picked it up, a tiny baby bird began to emerge. I could not return it to a nest because I did not know from where it had come. But I could not, would not just leave it there to die. I had to try.”
NEXT: So what did Susan do after she found this little baby in a cracked egg?
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