Wheelchair-Bound 90-Year-Old Rolls Into Pond While Carer Is Distracted By Dancers

The elderly are some of the most vulnerable people in society. Having spent a large part of my late teens working in a nursing home, I am speaking from experience. They have some of the most fascinating stories to tell – from tales of what really happened during World War Two to changes they saw through the ever-turbulent 20th century – and they deserve to be treated with the utmost respect.

Sadly, however, carers are overworked and underpaid, and because of this, negligent accidents can happen. Case in point, a wheel-chair bound OAP in China recently rolled into a pond while her carer was distracted. The incident took place at Yangpu Park, Shanghai, on April 9.

The woman’s carer, who was wearing a pink top, can be seen in footage of the incident turning to watch some nearby dancers. It was then, either because the woman had undone the breaks on her wheelchair or because the carer had forgotten to put them on, that she rolled away.

To see the incident for yourself, check out the video below:


Thankfully, the 90-year-old was rescued by three elderly men after toppling headfirst into the pond and is believed to have sustained no injuries.

“I don’t really know what was happening, but I heard a water splashing sound and an old woman calling for help,” Ms. Li, an onlooker, said.

The woman herself did not blame her carer for getting distracted by the dancers and said that her wheelchair simply slipped.

“The wheelchair just slipped,” the pensioner said, before thanking her rescuers. “Thank you very much.”

Because the pensioner rolled down a slope, the park is introducing precautions to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

The post Wheelchair-Bound 90-Year-Old Rolls Into Pond While Carer Is Distracted By Dancers appeared first on Viral Thread.

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