20 Sep What The Students Of Hogwarts Look Like Now Will Make You Shout “Merlin’s Beard!”
It may be hard to believe, but it has been 16 years since the first Harry Potter film was released. With all the films constantly on television, the characters have become permanently frozen in time. However, in reality, 16 years has passed and a lot has changed. Dudley is no longer portly and spoilt and Colin Creevey is no longer a pocket-sized pain.
Times have changed and so have the young actors behind the iconic cast of Harry Potter…
1. Harry Melling as Dudley Dursley
Harry Melling was almost dropped from the final Harry Potter film after he lost a dramatic amount of weight. However, rather than remove Dudley, producers decided to force Melling into a fat suit, complete with facial prosthetics to bulk him up for the part. “It was quite funny because I had a big fat suit on in this film and face prosthetic. It was bizarre, you feel really big, and my mobility was affected,” he said of the experience.
2. Freddie Stroma as Cormac McLaggen
At 30-years-old, Freddie Stroma is barely recognisable as the young hunk that threatened to steal Hermione away from Ron.
3. Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy
Felton, who is naturally brunette, had to dye his hair peroxide blonde for the role of Malfoy. Something he had to commit to for over ten years!
4. Afshan Azad as Padma Patil
Many are claiming that Ron Weasley’s date to The Yule Ball now looks identical to Kylie Jenner!
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