What The Shape Of Your Belly Button Reveals About Your Personality

Belly buttons are pretty special. For one thing, they’re essentially remnants of the umbilical cord that connected us with our mothers whilst we were in the womb. And they’re incredibly diverse – no two belly buttons look the same!

But did you ever suspect that there might be a lot more to them than that? If yes, you might want to brush up a little on your knowledge of omphalomancy.

Omphalomancy refers to the study of belly buttons and specifically how their size, shape, and color can determine what a person’s personality is like. Yes, this is what your unique belly button says about you…

1. The shallow belly button

If you happen to have a shallow belly button, this could indicate that you’re excellent at keeping other people’s secrets. You’re perceived as a dark horse and give off rather mysterious vibes. It also indicates that you tend to have some deep-rooted trust issues and feel that the only person you can rely on is yourself.

2. The round belly button

If you have a round belly button, you tend to be more optimistic than those around you. In difficult times, you always try to find the silver lining and refrain from despairing. People enjoy being around you because your positivity also affects their own happiness.

3. The big belly button

According to omphalomancy, big belly buttons indicate that you have a very open and generous personality. You’re a people person and enjoy being good to others, even those whom you’re not particularly close to. Sometimes you wonder if your generosity had led people to take advantage of you, but ultimately you are what you are and eventually, you’ll come to accept this.

The post What The Shape Of Your Belly Button Reveals About Your Personality appeared first on Viral Thread.

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