What Actually Happens If You Sleep With Your Bra On?

When it comes to sleeping, we all have different ways in which we go about it.

Some people like to listen to music to seduce them into a deep slumber, others can only dip into a siesta in complete silence.

Some like to wear copious amounts of clothes to bed, including socks, whilst others like to sleep stark naked.

However, there is one thing that practically all women are united in when it comes to bedtime: no bras.

Or, so you thought.

It actually turns out that there are a lot of women on this planet who will hop under the sheets whilst wearing their bra.

Possibly the most famous person to do so was the iconic beauty, Marilyn Monroe, who would wear her bra to bed every night in an attempt to prevent her breasts from sagging.

Whilst this sounds perfectly logical, it also sounds like an awful lot of effort and discomfort.

Not to mention, is it any good for your body? Will sleeping with a bra on really have any effect on your boobs  – good or bad?

According to Dr. Seth Rankin from London Doctors Clinic, there is a right and a wrong when it comes to wearing your bra to bed.

Talking to Cosmopolitan, he explained that “breast sagging is an inevitable fact of life for women as they age [because] the connective tissue holding breasts in place loses its elasticity over time.”

But there is no need to be ashamed of saggy boobs. Take this woman, for example, who is trying to change the public’s perception of saggy breasts: [[jwplayerwidget||http://content.jwplatform.com/videos/sHqr7yfR-Q0L14jDU.mp4||sHqr7yfR]]

Of course, there are many things that can contribute to saggy breasts, such as “pregnancy and breastfeeding, genetics, smoking, dramatic weight-loss or gain, and perhaps even high-intensity activity” and as a result it is “very hard to measure the effect of wearing a bra to bed.”

“Let’s think about this from a scientific point of view. Sagging is caused by the downward pull of gravity on the mass of your breasts. That’s why bigger breasts sag more, as there’s more fat within the tissue for gravity to work on.”

“When you’re lying down flat, the effect of gravity pushes the breast tissue back towards your chest, instead of down towards your toes. So wearing a bra (the purpose of which is ultimately to support breasts from below) is essentially redundant in bed, as breasts naturally compress back down onto the chest.”

Dr. Rankin does believe that lying down for a prolonged period could help keep your breasts perky, but in order for this to be the case, you’d need to lie down for nearly 20 hours per day.

But whilst wearing a bra to bed can’t help boost your breasts, it can have detrimental effects on your body if it’s too tight.

“There’s a lot going on by way of important anatomy around the chest area: from muscles to vessels, lymph nodes to nerves. If your bra is too tight, you may be restricting your blood supply to the breasts and surrounding areas,” Dr. Rankin explains.

“A tight bra may restrict the flow of lymph to the many important lymph nodes around the breast and armpit, hindering the system’s vital function of flushing toxic waste-products from the body,” he adds.

Whether Dr. Rankin has been able to answer the questions you may have about wearing your bra in bed or not, there is one thing that is conclusively clear: your breasts will not sag just because you chose not wear a bra to bed.

So, you can now sleep easy tonight!

The post What Actually Happens If You Sleep With Your Bra On? appeared first on Viral Thread.

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