12 Jul Vegan Cafe Implodes After Customer Complains About Naked Baby
In the 21st century, the predominance of restaurant reviews has given consumers more choice and far greater agency than they could ever have dreamed of before. In the past, only professional journalists had the power to write restaurant reviews, and these experts were the only people to rate such establishments.
In the digital age, things are different. Now anyone has the power to make an account on Yelp and post their opinion of an eatery online. In some respects this exchange of power has come at the detriment of restaurants. Pushy, jumped-up snobs with high expectations have used Yelp and other platforms in order to extort waiters and chefs and make ludicrous demands.
Last week Chelsea Bartley’s (on the left in the above image) scathing review of a vegan cafe in Memphis managed to spark a major debate on social media, which resulted in a veritable storm of controversy and negative publicity for the offending cafe – a storm which has hence been dubbed (no joke) “Buttholegate” by bemused commenters. I’ve heard of Watergate, and Nipplegate, but this is just getting ridiculous.
The post Vegan Cafe Implodes After Customer Complains About Naked Baby appeared first on Viral Thread.
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