30 Jun Undercover Reporter Discovers How Mechanics Treat Women Differently To Men…
Throughout history, women have always been treated differently from men. Whilst considerable progress was made in the twentieth century to improve women’s rights and eradicate outdated notions that our sole purpose in life is to be homemakers, sadly, there are some men who still think it’s okay to treat women differently. It happened to me for the first time when I was twenty. I’d arrived at work without any makeup on, and my boss asked me why. As far as he was concerned, I was nothing more than eye candy for the customers.
Men will never know what it’s like to feel self-conscious about walking down the street after being catcalled, or what it’s like to have total strangers make creepy comments like “You should smile love!” But for women, this is a daily reality, and my former boss opened my eyes to it. I’d naively assumed – or, more realistically, hoped – that I lived in a world where my gender didn’t affect the way that men treated me. To shed light on this problem, an undercover reporter in New Jersey investigated how mechanics treat women differently to men…
How Should We Respond To Sexism?
There are some professions that are inherently associated with one gender more than the other. Even though women can become mechanics, it’s a job that’s still predominantly performed by men. Unfortunately, it’s in environments like this that sexism rears its ugly head. Some men in trades assume that women are completely clueless about manual jobs, but they couldn’t be more wrong. During World War Two, tens of thousands of women happy took on the jobs that men had left behind to fight, and they had no problem getting to grips with them!
NEXT: ABC News were on a mission to investigate mechanics…
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