Twitter Roasts Man Who Wants To Reclaim The Rainbow From Gay People

For years now, the rainbow has been a symbol of diversity, acceptance and beauty. It all started in 1978 when Gilbert Baker, a 27-year-old artist and drag queen, had a brain wave. The gay community were searching for a symbol to represent their fight for equal rights and he knew the perfect thing.

Utilising his sewing skills, he put together a costume for his alter ego “Busty Ross”; it had eight fantastically saturated stripes—pink for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for magic, blue for peace, and purple for spirit, all in all perfectly encapsulating the message of acceptance. The rainbow was there to tell people that they could be whoever they wanted to be and quickly became the most prominent symbol of the international gay rights movement.

However, even after 39 years, it appears not everyone is happy with the rainbow’s association with gay rights. Namely Ken Ham, president, CEO and founder of Answers In Genesis, “an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.”

Ham created quite a stir this month when he crusaded for Christians to reclaim the rainbow from the LGBT community. Of course, he was referring to the fact that the rainbow is featured in the Bible, namely in the well-known story of Noah’s Ark. The CEO planned to “take it back” by permanently lighting up a replica of Noah’s Ark at Ark Encounter, a biblically themed amusement park owned and operated by Answers in Genesis and located in Williamstown, Kentucky.

He tweeted: “Because of this, many Christians shy away from using the rainbow colors. But the rainbow was a symbol of God’s promises before the LGBTQ movement—and will continue to be after that movement has ended. As Christians, we need to take the rainbow back and teach our young people its true meaning.”

But his pleas to steal back the rainbow from the LGBT community were not met with the enthusiasm he envisioned; in fact, instead of the support he desired, instead Ham got completely and utterly roasted on Twitter.

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