Trump Tweets Bizarre Video of Himself ‘Wrestling CNN’

President Donald Trump’s ongoing battle against the media has seemingly hit a peak, with the president tweeting a video on Sunday that many are accusing of encouraging violence against reporters. The video, an edited combination of clips from Trump’s 2007 appearance on WWE’s WrestleMania XXIII, shows the POTUS body-slamming and punching a man with the CNN logo superimposed over his face. The video ends with a fictional logo of “FNN Fraud News Network” appearing in the righthand corner.

Trump tweeted the video with only the caption “#FraudNewsCNN #FNN”. Before the end of the day on Sunday, it was already the most liked and retweeted tweet of his presidency.

The edited video had gained traction on Reddit’s r/The_Donald, which has garnered a strong following of the alt-Right and Trump supporters, in the days before the president tweeted it.

The clip is doctored from an original video, in which Trump “attacked” WWE CEO, and longtime friend, Vince McMahon, before shaving his head in a bit called “Battle of the Billionaires”. With “CNN” placed over McMahon’s face, the tweet has been accused of inciting violence against not just that one network, but all journalists.

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