Transgender Woman Ingeniously Mocks The ‘Bathroom Bill’ After Photo With Texas Governor Goes Viral

Just when it feels safe to declare that our society has made significant strides towards equality and acceptance regardless of gender, race and sexuality, regrettable stories come to light that leave such optimistic declarations in the dust. While, speaking in general terms, our society’s attitude towards transgender individuals has improved exponentially, a minority still display a lack of tolerance – or sensitivity – towards such people that leaves the rest of us shaking our heads.

Transgenderism remains a misunderstood and under-discussed subject; the one topic of civil rights that our so-called progressive society seems content to sweep under the rug. Because of this, it might be useful to explain what being transgender means in relatively simple terms. Being transgender is defined as someone whose sense of gender does not align with that with which they were born; instead transgender people often identify as the opposite sex. Crucially, the term transgender refers to the concept of gender identity rather than sexual orientation.

The issue is currently being thrown into sharp relief in Texas, where Republican governor Greg Abbott has been pushing through a divisive “bathroom bill”, which, according to the Texas Tribune would “regulate bathroom use and keep transgender Texans from using bathrooms that align with their gender identity.”

On Friday, having announced that he would be running for a second term, Abbott had a smiley photograph taken with Ashley Smith. The picture appears ostensibly innocuous, though Smith had other ideas.

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