21 Jul Traces Of Human Feces Are Found In McDonald’s, Burger King And KFC Drinks
Most people would admit that your average fast food eatery is unlikely to win a Michelin star. It’s true, your average Big Mac and Fries is more likely to appal your average food critic, but it’s not as if you eat there for the atmosphere or for a luxury experience. No, we go to fast food chains because they’re affordable, because they’re familiar, and because, above all, we trust them. That last point is probably the most important.
Places like KFC and McDonalds are among the biggest, richest, most powerful corporations on the planet precisely they inspire such incredible brand loyalty, and so much of that is because those outlets base themselves around a familiar, shared, global experience. Think about every Burger King you’ve ever been to: they’re all, more or less, the same universal experience. Oh sure, maybe in a foreign country the menu will be slightly different, but the meal itself will be pretty ubiquitous.
This is the reason why brands are so protective of their good reputation, and why a bad hygiene rating or major health code violation can tear the beating heart out of a business. So if you’re a big fan of fast food, then you might want to look away now, and not read the following, unsettling news. You know what they say: ignorance is bliss.
Ready? Okay. A recent British study has determined that a number of drinks from major fast food franchises have been proven to contain faecal matter … that’s cr*p, in case you were wondering by the way. Urgh. I think I’m going to be sick …
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