Top Chemist Apologises After Adding ‘Sexist Surcharge’ On Morning-After Pill

Based on figures released by the National Health Service (NHS), more than 1 million individuals accessed Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Services in 2015/2016. 1.26 million individual patients are recorded as having contacted such services a total of 2.03 million times during this period. This number shows a decrease of 4% from the previous year. A similar downward trend was seen in the use of the emergency contraceptive pill, which constituted a smaller proportion of these total visits.  The number of emergency contraception items provided to women by both SRH services and at other locations in the community was around 291,000 in 2015/16. This has fallen steadily over the last ten years from approximately 484,000 in 2005/06 – a decrease of 40%.

The downward trend poses a possible contrast to claims made by Boots regarding the need to discourage emergency contraception use, which already appears to be on a downward trajectory. Founded in 1849, Boots has over 70,000 employees and runs about 2,500 stores across the United Kingdom and Ireland. The chain was caught in the middle of a publicity storm as a result of its policy on emergency contraception.

The post Top Chemist Apologises After Adding ‘Sexist Surcharge’ On Morning-After Pill appeared first on Viral Thread.

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