Toddler Thinks His Sister’s Wrestling Match Is A Real Fight, Runs In To Save Her…

Growing up with a sibling often means one thing: constant fighting.

Whether it’s arguing, punching, kicking, biting or wrestling, nothing quite compares to sibling rivalry when it comes to competition. I still have far-from-fond memories of growing up with my older brother. It seemed that nothing pleased him more than taking my hand, hitting me in the face with it and asking, “why are you hitting yourself?”.

However, if there’s one rule that applies to siblings, it’s that you are the only person who is allowed to hit them. That was certainly the case for this little boy.

Whilst watching his older sister’s wrestling match at an elementary school meet in Columbia City, the spunky youngster ran in to fend off her opponent.

In an adorable act of love, two-year-old Ryan rushed the sports hall floor in order to protect his five-year-old sister Ruby, believing she was involved in a real fight.

The brave boy grabbed his sister’s opponent and tried to drag him away, before the referee took action and broke up the impromptu interference.

Ryan’s mom, Tori “Allen” Prendergast, shared the video footage taken by her husband to Facebook late Sunday. Unsurprisingly, Ryan’s heroic act has now gone viral.

“I was working and missed the match, but when I got home he showed me the video and I knew we had to share it,” Prendergast told the HuffPost on Wednesday.

“It was so cute. The whole place was cracking up when it happened,” she added. “I only have boys, but if I had a daughter, I hope they would protect their sister like that.”

Check out the video below:

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