Tinder Has Released a Secret App Version Specifically for the Hot, Rich and Famous

The sleek, contoured world of Instagram filters and make-up tutorials in which we are now expected to operate tends to perpetuate an idealised reality that is simply unattainable to vast swathes of the population; an effervescent parallel universe that can make our own real-life existence feel insignificant by comparison.

Not only must we document our lives in painstaking detail through the carefully manicured images we post online, but we now live vast portions of our life in that same online version of reality. Shopping, watching television and conversing are increasingly web-based pursuits, so it is perhaps inevitable that online dating apps have become de rigeur, the go-to method to meet a potential suitor.

Amongst the young and romantically inclined, Tinder is ordinarily the order of the day. The app has become a staple in our pursuit of love, lust and most things in between, and the vast majority of the young free and single can be found on the app, swiping left and right with giddy abandon.

Something you might be less familiar with, though, is the rumoured secret version of Tinder, which exists only for the famous, rich and beautiful.

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