26 Jan “Time Traveler” Who Claims To Have Been Hired By US Government Reveals Future President
The idea of time travel has intrigued humans for millions of years. Long before Back To The Future, people were wondering if it were possible to travel back and forth in time, or if it ever would be an option.
It’s this intrigue which has fuelled fiction and pop culture for centuries, from Hermione Granger’s time turner to Busted’s hit song ‘Year 3000’, time travel never goes out of style.
Then there are conspiracy theorists who believe time travelers are responsible for our world today.
Their farfetched beliefs may seem ridiculous to the balanced mind, but deep within, we all think they could be onto something. After all, who did build the towering pyramids in Egypt if no mechanical equipment had yet been invented? Aliens? Time travelers? Or, maybe they are one of the same.
But while there are several inconsistencies in our history books, for the most part, we discredit anyone who claims to have time traveled. Why? Because, as of yet, they have no evidence to support their outlandish claims. So when ‘Mona’, a time traveler who claims to be “from the year 2100” came forward to tell her story, the world paid little attention.
But could the mysterious whistleblower really be telling the truth? It’s hard to know, but even if she is, her story is a sensational example of how imaginative the human mind can be…
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