Three-Year-Old’s ‘Disgusting’ Comment During Breastfeeding Is Going Viral

The subject of breastfeeding is certainly no stranger to controversy. Should women do it? Should they do it in public? Is it really fair to put pressure on women to do it? For how many months – or years – should they breastfeed their child?

Public discord over breastfeeding came to a head last week when US vlogger Tasha Maile thrust herself into the centre of the argument. The mother-of-three came under fire after an old YouTube video was discovered, which sees her admit that she breastfeeds her young son while having sex with her husband.

The vegan YouTuber justified herself, claiming that there was never anything wrong with the act of making love. Appearing in numerous TV interviews to defend herself, she states: “From what I remember, I remember sleeping with my ex-husband and my son was on me breastfeeding and we would have sex from behind or something…. My three-month-old would not allow me to put him down at all.  So he was attached to me 24/7. So we did it whilst he was sleeping next to me or on me.”

Then, just when we all believed that the animosity had reached its peak, viewers rediscovered yet another one of Maile’s Youtube videos that has managed to created even more hostility between her and the public. This time the controversy focuses around comments made by her three-year-old son, which many have labeled “disgusting”.

The post Three-Year-Old’s ‘Disgusting’ Comment During Breastfeeding Is Going Viral appeared first on Viral Thread.

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