This Woman Was Kicked Out Of Gym For Having Big Breasts, The Internet Explodes

Going to the gym is an embarrassing enough experience as it is. It’s a place where you spend your time covered in sweat, convinced that you’re not using the machines correctly, constantly worried that you’ll see someone you know.

As you can probably guess, I don’t have a gym membership.

One woman who does, however, was forced to endure another level of “gymbarrasment” when she was told to leave after her tank top was considered “inappropriate” due to her larger-than-average boobs.


Rose Nickels felt that she has been discriminated against because of her size, and took to Facebook to share the incident with the world.

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The post, which you can see on the next page, includes a number of photos of her outfit. It has since gone viral and has been shared close to 4,500 times.

In the Facebook post, Rose wrote:

“I am a member of Movati Athletic Club in Orleans, ON. Today, I was instructed by a Supervisor at the club that my tank top was inappropriate dress and is offensive to both the staff and other members. That at Movati they have a dress code stating only appropriate gym attire and modest clothing is to be worn. I will start by saying my tank top was no different than many other women’s tank top at the club; except my chest size is much larger in appearance in comparison to my frame than many of the other women.


“After asking every woman at the club who I could find on the way out if my attire offended them and they responded no, it became clear that the only ones offended were the two women supervisors working at the club today. I pointed out to them that my shirt was no different than any other woman’s shirt. They informed me that it did not matter that due to my chest size I could not wear a tank top.

I felt humiliated and discriminated against due to my figure. I was singled out and it is unfair to say I cannot wear a tank top and other women can! Different figures means different rules? I would like to bring this out to the public! If tank tops are not allowed at the gym for me because of my chest size than all women should not be allowed to wear tank tops regardless of size.”


Rose went on to point out that the company’s own website features images of women working out whilst wearing tank tops in their gym. She proved her point with a series of shots of the gym’s Facebook page.


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Now that hardly seems fair, does it?

Based on the backlash, Movati Athletic offered a less-than-apologetic response.

In a statement, they replied:

“At Movati Athletic, we strive daily to create an atmosphere where all our members feel welcome, feel comfortable and feel healthy. We ask members to be respectful of each other when in the gym, to include wearing modest athletic attire and appropriate shoes, limiting cell phone usage and keeping the facility clean. It is important to us that all members have a positive experience at Movati, and we take their needs and feelings very seriously. As such, on Saturday when some members of our gym voiced complaints regarding Ms. Vecchio’s attire as it made them feel uncomfortable and was seen as being contrary to our dress code policy our staff assessed the situation and spoke to Ms. Vecchio.

While in no way did we intend to embarrass her, we did feel we had to address the issue. We are still looking into the matter, and would be happy to sit down and speak with Ms. Vecchio in more detail as we continue to investigate the incident.”

Since the post, Rose has received many comments of support, including many encouraging her to sue the gym for discrimination and harassment.

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Others thought the pair who told Rose to leave the gym were simply jealous of her great figure.

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Whatever the case, the gym should have been happy that Rose was at least wearing clothes designed for working out. The same can’t be said of the woman in the following video, who took to the treadmill in the most unusual gym outfit I’ve ever seen.

If you’re now sitting there wondering who would ever step foot in a gym, then you’ll probably appreciate this hilarious parody video that mocks everyone who would consider themselves a workout fiend.

The post This Woman Was Kicked Out Of Gym For Having Big Breasts, The Internet Explodes appeared first on Viral Thread.

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