This Woman Made Her Ex’s Tinder Profile Go Viral, And Twitter Absolutely Loves It

One of the most awkward situations you can find yourself in is meeting up with an ex. If you’re not one of the lucky few who part on good terms, seeing them again is going to be weird at best. And even if you did remain friends, it can still feel strange to see someone after being so close with them in the past.

The modern day equivalent of this is coming across your ex on a dating app or website after you have broken up. Not only are you seeing them again, but you’re getting confirmation that they are active in the dating scene. Depending on how fast you swipe left, you might find yourself prying into how exactly they sell themselves to potential partners.

This is the position Brianna Boyce was in when she came across her ex-boyfriend Adrian on Tinder recently. The funny thing was, they had both used the same couple photo for the app, but had each cropped the other out. She found it so funny that she tweeted out a screenshot of what she had seen. The photos went viral, and gained over 14,000 retweets.

She added that there were no bad feelings between the two of them, thinking Adrian would find it funny too. Instead, she found herself getting a reaction far from what she expected.

The post This Woman Made Her Ex’s Tinder Profile Go Viral, And Twitter Absolutely Loves It appeared first on Viral Thread.

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