This News Debate Ended In A Punch-up When A Guest Refused To Condemn ISIS

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) have been a topic of fraught debate for several years now. Not only does their extremist ideology bear very little resemblance the peaceful tenants preached in the Quran but their ruthless slaughter of those who they deem to be “disbelievers” has caused extreme loss of innocent life in the regions that they occupy and beyond as they continue to plan and execute terrorist attacks in both eastern and western countries.

Mentions of ISIS normally trigger revulsion and immediate denunciation from across the globe as people have naturally found themselves invested in the fight to neutralise the group after seeing picture after video after statistic that elaborates on the organisation’s atrocities and senseless acts of violence. It’s consequently understandable that one man got very riled up when he was put face to face with a man that refused to condemn the terror group.

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