08 Aug This New iPhone Hack Makes Your Music Play Louder, And People Are Going Crazy For It
As technology advances, bringing to us things that were previously restricted to the realm of science-fiction, we are also finding the things we already have become more efficient and accessible. There was a point not too long ago where YouTube was a miraculous invention, and now there are a large number of people who make millions just by making their own videos for the site.
Not just that, but we’ve left behind the times of painstakingly downloading videos on dial-up modems, the terrible quality of the image still amazing us as we watched our gigantic cube computers. Now you can load up a video on your cell phone, watching whatever you want from the palm of your hand. I still can’t get over seeing people watch full movies on their phones and tablets on public transport.
The inevitable reaction to rapidly advancing technology is to find the flaws and imperfections. A great example of this is the limited volume on iPhones. If you want to show a friend a video, or listen to some music on the speakers, it is always far too quiet even when you crank the volume to its maximum. At least, that was the case, until this new hack was revealed to the world.
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