10 Sep This Man Went Under The Knife To Get A New Nose, But Instead Got A Permanent Erection
Those of us who undergo plastic surgery usually do so for cosmetic purposes, or in other words, to make themselves a whole lot hotter. I have to be honest, whilst I, like pretty much every other person on the planet, have many insecurities as far as my body is concerned, I don’t think I could ever go under the knife simply for the purpose of altering my body.
To be honest, one of the main reasons I would never opt for plastic surgery is probably because of the taboo attached to cosmetic enhancements.
I care way too much what people think about me to ever risk sabotaging the squeaky clean reputation I have amongst my peers. But of course that’s not the only reason I wouldn’t choose to alter by body through surgery.
There are just so many risks that come into play when you are surgically cut open. Even if you are operated on by a team of medical experts, there’s always a chance that something will go wrong.
And if something did go wrong, and it stemmed from something as superficial as wanting to change my body, I don’t know how I could ever live with myself.
When plastic surgery does go wrong, it’s usually a case of excess scarring or nerve damage or simply not being happy with the aesthetics of the final result.
However, sometimes plastic surgery complications can be a whole lot more bizarre than a simple scar. A Croatian man who has undergone a number of cosmetic procedures find this out the HARD way when he had one surgery too many.
The post This Man Went Under The Knife To Get A New Nose, But Instead Got A Permanent Erection appeared first on Viral Thread.
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