10 Jul This Italian Artist Gives Classical Sculptures Insane Tattoos, And They Look Amazing
In my spare time, I love to frequent an art museum or two. Whether it’s for the genuine artistic enjoyment, or the opportunity to make fun of some terrible modern art, it’s one of my favourite pastimes. Art museums will often let you take selfies or photos with snarky or sarcastic captions, but it’s important to remember the immortal words of Stacey Ann “Fergie” Ferguson: “you can look but you can’t touch it. If you touch it, I’ma start some drama. You don’t want no drama”.
Whenever I go to a museum, I’m always wary of accidentally damaging a painting or sculpture worth millions, and if you gave me the chance to add my own twist to works of art, I’d probably be too nervous to do anything impressive. Fabio Viale is not me, however, and he’s adorned artistic marvels such as the Venus de Milo with modern tattoos from the likes of the Japanese Yakuza. This is all done digitally, of course. Check them out; I think they’re rather wonderful.
1. A flowery set of shoulder tattoos
2. A tattooed torso
3. Scorpions, a coat of arms as well as an intense battle lower down
4. A woman getting attacked by a wild cat down the forearm
5. This torso goes into heavier detail
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