This Is How Many Sexual Partners You Should Have Before Settling Down

It’s tough out there to find “the one”. Dating can be cruel, and after a few heartbreaks or just playing the field for what sometimes seems like forever, many of us start looking to settle down. We might meet the girl or guy of our dreams, but how do we know we’re really ready to commit to just one person?

Studies show that the number of sexual partners you have been with may make a big difference. It can be a tricky subject to bring up with your significant other, but it’s something more and more people are looking to find out.

Couples are often embarrassed to reveal the details of their sexual history to each other out of fear of one partner having had drastically fewer sexual relationships than the other (or drastically more). Surprisingly, both men and women consider the ideal “magic number” of past sexual partners to be the same: 12.

A new study conducted by Illicit Encounters, a dating website for married people, showed that 12 is the perfect number because it demonstrates that a partner is “sexually adventurous, liberal, and transient.”

Researchers found there was a sliding scale, with 19 past sexual partners being the cut off before a person was perceived to likely be “too selfish,” “difficult to please” or “too eager to jump from partner to partner.”

At the other end of the scale, those with fewer than ten past sexual partners were believed to be “too conservative” and “sexually inexperienced.”

While both men and women agreed on the ideal “magic number”, they disagreed on how important it is to reveal their number to each other. It turns out that men want to know their partner’s sexual history more than their female counterparts do.

The post This Is How Many Sexual Partners You Should Have Before Settling Down appeared first on Viral Thread.

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