This Guys Savage Snapchat Rant About His Ex Will Have You In Stitches

I don’t know about you, but few experiences have taught me more about life than a nasty break up. In a relationship, you open yourself up to another person, share your hopes and dreams for the future, and do so in the knowledge that they’re never going to use this information against you. But break ups can be messy, and before karma does the dirty work on your behalf, there’s few things more cathartic than a good old fashioned Snapchat vent!

Azamuddin Mohammed’s heart was broken. It’s not known by who or why, but it’s safe to say that he was pretty cut up about his recent break up, and instead of getting angry at his ex, he got funny. In fact, he got so funny that his epic post break up Snapchats have won the Internet.

1. When You Start To Think About Where It All Went Wrong…

2. It’s Easier To Blame Your Ex Than Yourself…

3. Sometimes You Feel Like You’ve Just Gotten Off A Rollercoaster…

4. So It’s Best To Try And Accept What’s Staring You In The Face…

In the aftermath of my friend’s last break up, she decided to dramatically throw the jewlery she’d acquired from the relationship into a river. She also got some petty revenge naming a less-than-pleasant character in her book after her ex. Before this, he’d called her a number of nasty names, and she’s not pathetic enough to enter into an insult battle. However, if she’d seen these Snapchats before it happened, maybe she’d have taken a different approach…

The post This Guys Savage Snapchat Rant About His Ex Will Have You In Stitches appeared first on Viral Thread.

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