30 Jun This Guy Found an Incredible Way to Get Revenge on His Rude Co-Worker
We all have that one co-worker that we do not like. Maybe there is more than one of them, but everything they do annoys you. Why do they eat so loudly? Do they have to smack their lips together whenever they have a snack? What are they having for lunch? Ah yes, tuna salad with cheese and onion crisps, what a lovely smell!
Oh, right, yes I want to hear about every aspect of your life. So that’s what you watched on Netflix last night, I was wondering to be fair! Ah, that’s where you’re thinking of going on your all inclusive holiday? I bet you got it for a good price, yep. Of course you did. Everything in your life is amazing isn’t it? Isn’t it?
If you have one of these coworkers, the likelihood is that you’ve thought of more than one way you could wind them up.
These thoughts often start off small (“maybe I should hide their mug or move their lunch. Yeah that’ll annoy them”), then become a bit more extreme (“I know, I could put laxatives in their coffee, or I could loosen every bolt on their chair so when they sit on it, it collapses”), before you finally lose your mind (“I should just slash their tyres, wrap them up in tape and put them in the cleaning cupboard!!”). It happens to us all, don’t worry.
However, one guy on Imgur found the perfect way to get some revenge on his annoying co-worker. The user, called ChefShwasty, has a co-worker who winds him up the wrong way and took it upon himself to perform an extremely clever and insanely annoying prank.
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