15 Sep This College Student Has The “Filthiest” College Apartment In The UK, And She Couldn’t Be Prouder
We all know that college students are lazy, especially if we were once a college student ourselves. You may have lived with someone who was absolutely filthy, never cleaned up after themselves and were perhaps totally in denial about their less-than-perfect habits.
But, how lazy would you have to be to let your own apartment get so out of hand that it’s officially branded the “Dirtiest College Apartment”?!
When I moved out for the first time, the only issue I really had with my flatmate was that she was exceptionally untidy. Of course I didn’t mind at all that her room was a tip, as was sometimes the case with my own room. What I found particularly grating was when she repeatedly dumped her stuff in the common areas.
Luckily, I had and still have a very good relationship with my old flatmate, and after asking me to always be honest with her if she ever does anything I don’t like, I took this as my cue to tell her about my concerns.
However, after hearing about a certain student who let her apartment get so out of hand that her dad had to stage an intervention of sorts, I now know that I actually had it pretty good!
Brittani Cooper is a 19-year-old British student studying real estate at the University of The West of England and she has one of the filthiest apartments in the whole of the UK! She shares her apartment with five other roommates, and together the six of them have turned their home into a hellhole.
Her entire apartment is covered in trash cans overflowing with garbage, there are pizza boxes left right and center and given how many things are constantly left lying on the floor, there’s hardly any space to move.
However, believe it or not, this young woman has a very good reason to be proud of living in what can only be called a dump. However, when her father saw the state her apartment was in, he did something very few would dare to do, and it paid big time…
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