25 Jun This Brave Young Girl Has an Important Message for Her Racist Bullies
Headline after headline will show you that racism is alive and well in the U.S. today, and not just from perpetrators who were born during generations where it was still accepted. This time, it’s nine-year-old students whose racist bullying of a peer has led her to speak out.
Nasir Andrews, a fourth grader from Bellevue, Washington has an important message for those who have bullied her, as well as those who have turned a blind eye to the racism that they’ve watched her undergo every day.
In a video posted to Facebook, Nasir details the bullying she has fallen victim to at Ardmore Elementary using handwritten notecards. The trauma includes having her snacks taken away, being told to ‘die’, and being pushed, kicked, and choked. In the video she writes, “as one of about 8 black kids at my school, I never felt included, liked, or respected…bullying is real, it hurts, and I want help for myself and other kids.” Nasir also details the times when she reached out for help from administration and received none. The result is poignant and inspiring:
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