This Bird Synced Flapping Its Wings With A Camera’s Frame Rate And It Will Blow Your Mind

Although we may try to act cool when they happen, we’ve all seen at least one magic trick or illusion that left us completely befuddled. Trying to pretend like we have even the slightest hunch as to how the trick was pulled off, we ask the stuntman to give away their secret, because we just have to know. Of course, the entire point of magic is to simply believe in magic, not to annoy the performer with logistic questions just so you can satisfy your own curiosity.

This sounds like the part where I ask you to suspend your disbelief and believe in the magic, doesn’t it? Well don’t worry, I personally cannot help myself from discussing the logistics of tricks, so I won’t do that. This mind boggling video has a very rational explanation to it that we’ll get into later. For now, just sit back and watch the magic happen.

We’ve all seen birds fly, and it’s usually not that crazy of an event, right? Wings flap, wind gusts, and off they go into the sunset. What most of us haven’t seen, however, is a bird that can float. I’m talking no flapping, no wind, just the body of a bird levitating in the air in a way that seems to defy gravity. That exactly is what this home security camera recently captured, and it’s absolutely perplexing.

Did you see that? The little guy’s body just levitated up into the camera’s field of view, he looked around casually, like nothing absolutely bonkers is happening, and then floated off. This gravity-defying bird has caught the attention of the internet, and since the posting of the video, has gotten over 1.3 million views.

The magical footage does have a logical explanation, though, and it’s rather simple. The camera’s frame rate (or frames per second) just happened to synchronize perfectly with the flapping of the bird’s wings. This means that it appears to have cut out the footage of every wing flap, making the bird look like he is somehow floating.

The video, which was posted by someone under the username Ginger Beard, was aptly titled “floaty bird floating”. In the video’s description, Ginger Beard gave the public all of the information they would want to know about this mind blowing footage:

“The bird. He floats! Yes it is a real bird. No I did not use strings. No the footage is not edited. Yes I have YouTube slowing it down to make it easier to see. Yes it is happening due to the capture frame rate matching the flap speed of the bird. No I did not adjust the camera for the bird. No this is not a camera or truck commerical/advertisement. But I do like them both.

While many of the reactions to the video were skeptical, the true heroes of the internet came in with some hilarious comments:

You can always depend on the internet to take a really cool thing and make it quite foolish. Regardless, I still can’t cope with how real this footage looks. If you want to ruin more magical things for yourself, check out this article that uncovers how magician’s tricks actually work.

The post This Bird Synced Flapping Its Wings With A Camera’s Frame Rate And It Will Blow Your Mind appeared first on Viral Thread.

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