11 Jan These Are The Sex Positions Most Likely To Break A Penis
Myths regarding sex start in the schoolyard. As far as children are concerned, you can make a baby simply by kissing someone. These myths filter through to adulthood where, despite having experienced some form of sexual activity, they become as equally farfetched.
One prominent belief, which has been wrongly discredited, is that you can break a penis. The idea that you could snap someone’s manhood has long been laughed at, but it is actually very possible – especially if you adopt any of these positions in bed!
A penile fracture is caused when either one or both of the tunica albuginea – the membranes that cover the penis’s erectile tissue – is ruptured. This occurs when an erect penis is subjected to rapid blunt force and typically happens during sex or aggressive masturbation.
You may think it impossible to achieve such a serious injury, but according to a study published in the journal Advances in Urology, over the course of three years, there were 42 known cases of penile fractures – with the most common cause of these injuries being sex in the cowgirl position. However, a lot of cases are not reported due to embarrassment and shame.
In another study, this time featured in the International Journal of Impotence Research, specialists discovered that doggy style is the most dangerous position as far as penile fractures are concerned, with 41 percent of incidents having resulted after some rigorous rear action!
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