These 13 Ex-Lovers Got Revenge On Their Cheating Partners In Outrageous Ways

Breaking up is never easy. Some couples can seamlessly separate, whilst others chose a more complicated route. In fact, some couples make things so complicated that all sense and reason is lost, and a war is waged.

The following scorned lovers were fully clad in their battle armour when they decided to take revenge on their cheating partners. Honestly, their savage plans will make you think twice before you even THINK about cheating on your partner. Whilst some of their actions may have been justified, we have to wonder, did some of them take things too far?


1. When he cheated on her, she edited all her Instagram captions to reflect their relationship more accurately…

After years of dating, this girlfriend wasn’t ready to completely clear her Instagram timeline of memories. So, instead, she chose to simply edit the captions to more accurately represent their time together. Other captions included: “He played me better than he played baseball” and “I should have stabbed him in the heart while I had the chance.” Revenge level: 100.

2. When she cheated, he wrote an honest review about it on Amazon

3. This girlfriend devised a genius way to pay back her cheating ex-boyfriend…

When her cheating ex-boyfriend got in touch to request that she reimburse him for Justin Bieber tickets he had bought, she agreed, begrudgingly. Furious that he would have the audacity to ask her to pay him back after he cheated, she chose to re-pay him in a unique way:

Rather than pay him the money outright, she chose to set up a direct debit in which she would pay one penny every month to cover the costs she owed. This process means that it will be 17 years before Dan Brown is fully paid back for his mistake!

Did you think that was bad? You haven’t seen anything yet…

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