19 Oct There’s An Instagram Account Dedicated To Tweezing Out Ingrown Hairs And We Have Mixed Feelings
In a world where people’s grooming routines are more stringent than ever, the problem of ingrown hairs is nothing short of an epidemic. A friend of mine even maxed out her medical insurance because she was convinced her ingrown hairs were an STD.
Ingrown hairs are unsightly and occasionally painful. Thankfully, however, there’s a solution available – good old tweezers. There’s few things more satisfying than plucking out a unsightly ingrown hair, and now there’s an Instagram account dedicated to the process.
The page, comically named Tweezist, have tapped a very unique market. But despite some of you thinking ingrown hairs are disgusting and “who would watch this?!” – there’s certainly an audience out there for tweezer videos, as the page has already amassed 102,000 followers on Instagram.
In an interview with the metro.co.uk, the Tweezist’s founder revealed that she began sharing the videos “just for fun at first”.
Amazingly, many of the videos can also be found on their YouTube account – and we’ve found some of our favourite videos to share with you lucky readers.
The short extractions are often less than a minute in length, meaning it can be very easy to lose track of time and suddenly realize you’ve wasted an hour of your life watching people pulling at waxy ingrown hairs.
Ingrown hairs are usually nothing more than an annoyance, but it’s important to pluck them so that they don’t become infected, which can lead to a lot of complications. In fact, in very rare cases, people have been killed by ingrown hairs.
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