The World’s First ‘Glasses-Free Holographic Phone’ Could Soon Be A Reality

When I was a kid, any discussion about what life would be like and what technology we would have in the future would inevitably bring up the subject of jetpacks. Seriously, it got so predictable; they were just the first thing that anyone thought off when imagining advanced tech, along with flying cars obviously. It got to the point where jetpacks more or less closed any further discussion. It was pretty disappointing, especially when, as a major sci-fi nerd, I was aware of much more interesting speculative technology from my days of watching Star Trek and Doctor Who.

Yes, as a little boy, I’d always imagined that by 2017 we’d have invented teleportation, matter replicators, artificial intelligence, and some kind of special machine to keep Cola fizzy. Yet by now all we have is slightly faster wi-fi and a few new flavours of ice cream. Where’s my shiny future? Where are the spaceships, hover-boards and laser guns?

One invention I always wanted to see realised was the hologram. I always thought that they were so cool. Just imagine, a fully three-dimensional rendered light image, capable of interacting with you just like a regular person; incredible! But unfortunately, we haven’t seen holograms become household objects. They’re still more or less restricted to science fiction conventions and tech expos as an impressive novelty – a novelty that few manufacturers seem keen to exploit for the sake of a tidy profit.

Yet now this looks set to change. A company that’s previously been famous only for the professional digital cameras they flog to rich Hollywood studios has decided to make the hologram a feature of everyday life. RED has apparently designed the “world’s first holographic media machine,” which they boast doesn’t require the use of glasses for users to view the holograms.

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