The Weirdest Sex Trends Throughout History That Should Be Left In The Past

It’s safe to say that the last decade has seen quite a few new sex trends brought into mainstream culture. Remember when Beyoncé had everyone googling “surfboard”?

Experimentation in the bedroom is nothing new, so imagine how many odd or unusual sexcapades have taken place throughout history! We’ve done the research and are bringing you seven of the weirdest sex trends that should definitely be left in the past.

I’m betting you won’t be googling any of these anytime soon.

1. Tentacle Porn

You can blame the Japanese for this one. Aside from enjoying a little octopus sushi, apparently having fun with tentacles into the bedroom became all the rage in Japan as far back as the 1800s.

It is believed the trend started in 1814 when Japanese artist Hokusai painted “The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife”, which depicts a woman having sex with an octopus.

2. Shoes To Indicate Penis Size

A man with big shoes means he has big… feet? Apparently back in the 15th century, pointy shoes called Poulaines were very popular. They were worn by men to show off their virility because it was believed that the pointier the shoe, the larger the man’s penis.

Hmm, I bet a lot of guys were wearing oversized shoes back then!

Shoes not your thing? What about red lipstick?

The post The Weirdest Sex Trends Throughout History That Should Be Left In The Past appeared first on Viral Thread.

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