The Reason behind the Numbers That Are Found on Every Airport Runway

It’s getting to that time of year again where many of us fly off to sun-kissed beaches to spend our time testing out water sports and chatting up the hunky waiter, leaving our family and friends at home to slouch at their work desks playing Candy Crush and wonder why they didn’t join us. Adventure, culture, holiday romance and, if you’re anything like me, humiliatingly red sunburn are at your fingertips, all there is to do is set sail to your destination.

However, with your holiday tunnel vision, there is one thing that you definitely always miss at the airport. Namely, the numbers sprayed on the runway. There’s no doubt that you’ve probably gazed vacantly at them while waiting for the pilot to reverse, readjust and take off. But can you honestly say you have any idea of what they mean?

When you think about it, the numbers on the tarmac are really one the great mysteries in life. Kind of like why the dentist talks to you while she has her hands in your mouth and you clearly can’t reply. Or how fun-sized candy got its name, when it’s clearly less fun to get a smaller packet of sweets. But don’t worry, we’ve got you on this one. We are about to crack the conundrum of why runways have numbers written on them, and explain exactly what they mean to you and to the pilot. In short, without them, things could turn disastrous.

The post The Reason behind the Numbers That Are Found on Every Airport Runway appeared first on Viral Thread.

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