The Man Inside Barney The Dinosaur Has A Very Sordid Career These Days

In most households, television forms a substantial part of our childhoods. We feel such fondness for the shows we grew up watching because they brought us excitement and allowed our already active imaginations to go wild.

And kids born in the 90s will almost certainly remember watching the hit PBS children’s show Barney & Friends.

You know the one – the show about the big, purple dinosaur who sang, danced and ultimately became a massive part of our childhoods. What you may not have known, however, was that from 1991 to 2001 David Joyner was the guy inside the Barney costume.

(If you want to know more about what it was like playing everyone’s favorite dinosaur, take a look at the video below.)

Well, get ready for your childhood memories to be ruined because it turns out that Joyner is now running a tantric sex business. And we know this because he talked in great detail about it in an interview with Vice, which was published yesterday morning.

For those who are unaware of its origins, tantra stems from religions (such as Buddhism and Hinduism) in predominantly Asian countries. These days, however, tantra focuses on transforming sexual acts into more spiritual forms of sex so that they imitate meditation.

The post The Man Inside Barney The Dinosaur Has A Very Sordid Career These Days appeared first on Viral Thread.

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