10 Jul The Internet Is Divided Over Who Is To Blame Over This Dramatic Crash
Being a cyclist in London, I have had a few run-ins with car and lorry drivers over the last few years. More often than not they have been in the wrong, and surprisingly, more often than not they tend to hold their hands up and say “Sorry, I didn’t see you coming, my fault completely”. However, I have no doubt in my mind that cyclists can also be at fault for a lot of accidents on the roads, due to the fact that a large percentage of cyclists ride like lunatics.
Whether it is running red lights, ignoring signals, or cutting lanes, some cyclists do not follow the rules of the road and expect cars to adapt to their rules, rather than the other way round. This certainly seemed to be the case in a collision that happened on the streets of London last month and has divided the internet since.
In the clip below, a group of cyclists pull up beside a lorry at the red lights of a busy London junction. All of the cyclists go into the left hand lane, that is clearly marked for left turning only. Once the lights go green, the cyclists go straight on (thus breaking the highway code), they then have to merge into one lane with the lorry, who cannot see them due to the fact they are all in his blind spot and a collision occurs.
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