The Comedy Pet Photo Awards Are The Most Genuine Thing You’ll See Today

Since the birth of the selfie (and, well, the planet) we humans have been exploiting animals. From duck lips to the Snapchat dog filter to making bunny ears with our fingers, we are all guilty.

But the time has come for animals to re-claim their identity, with the birth of the Comedy Pet Photography Awards, which celebrates goofy animals in all their glory.

This year’s competition attracted 2,500 entries from 73 different countries, and every single one is a must-see for animal lovers…

Entries flooded in from Uganda, Mexico, Kazakhstan and New Zealand, as proud pet owners and photographers battled for the $2,680 prize money – and, the glory.

The competition, which is partnered with the Animal Welfare Foundation and The Humane Society of the United States, highlights just how innocent and genuine animals are, whilst also encouraging pet owners to cherish their furry friends.

Explaining the message behind the competition, the Comedy Pet Photography Awards write on their website:

“We love our pets. All of us involved in this competition are totally in love with our animals. With this in mind we are really keen that when we enjoy loads of wonderful funny pet photos, we also use this superb opportunity to encourage us all to be better ‘owners’ if you can call us that, ‘parents’ perhaps, to the creatures in our care.”

The competition hopes to use its platform to spread the message that animal welfare is still, and always will be, a prominent topic up for discussion:

“The whole subject of animal welfare is overwhelming. Just when we think we are getting on top of something you suddenly realise that ten other problems spring to mind. In the world of pets, even in countries that see themselves as leaders in welfare there are many problems we need to tackle.”

The competition, which includes awards for ”Pets Who Look Most Like Their Owners”, ran for the first time this year. But, despite this, thousands of people entered with the hope of being crowned the supreme winner of the funniest animal photo.

After much careful deliberation from the judges, such as wildlife star Kate Humble, the overall winner of the competition was Nando Harmsen from the Netherlands, who submitted this amusing snap…

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