15 Aug The 24 Greatest Memes And Reactions To The Latest Episode Of ‘Game Of Thrones’
The long-awaited seventh season of Game of Thrones kicked off in July, and it certainly hasn’t disappointed! And the best thing about this season is that even the most dedicated fans who’ve read all the A Song of Ice and Fire books before Game of Thrones even started filming, won’t be disappointed. That’s because this time around, pretty much all the plot lines will be based on material that you won’t even find in the books!
The latest episode of Game of Thrones, ‘Eastwatch’, was certainly entertaining, but the insanely hilarious memes and tweets that followed may have been even better. Let’s face it, this one was a pretty juicy episode; we learn more about Jon Snow’s background, there’s an unexpected pregnancy and a certain someone returns! All of which provided a plethora of hilarious reactions online, and here are the very best…
1. This woman spoke for all of us when she showed love for Daenerys’ boldness in this episode
2. So, Jon led a group of men beyond the Wall to capture a Wight, and it was total #SquadGoals…
3. This viewer had a pretty accurate idea of what might happen in the aftermath of episode five…
4. Here’s Yet Another Viewer Who Was Seriously Impressed By Jon And His Posse…
5. I think we can all agree that the scenes between Jon Snow and Drogon stole the show…
6. Yes, Jon and Drogon were a hit with viewers, but let’s not forget this moment…
Littlefinger’s undying need to cause drama had Twitter erupting in both pleasure and fury…
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