Ten Men Describe The Most Memorable Orgasm They’ve Ever Experienced

What gets you off? From unexpected encounters, first-time fetishes, and surprising situations, these ten men reveal their most memorable orgasms. How do you compare?

Perhaps you’d like to find a pen and paper now to take a few notes for later…

1. Bondage Boy

“An ex of mine convinced me to let her tie me up. I really, really didn’t think I was going to like it. But I knew she was excited so I figured, ‘Alright. Why not?’ I figured I’d be pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. Turns out, it was the most intense orgasm I ever had and now I have a fetish.” — Kevin, 28

2. The Lightbulb Moment

“Probably the first time I ever orgasmed. I knew what an orgasm was and I had a basic idea of how it happened. And I kind of knew what masturbation was. But I didn’t’ really put it all together in my tiny head. It was very confusing at first until I realized what actually happened.” — Eric, 27

3. Instant Attraction

“I hooked up with someone I met at a bar within an hour of meeting them, and it was all very strange. We actually got into a heated argument about politics and the next thing I know, we’re having sex in the back of her car. It was one of those ‘how did we get here again?’ moments, except I had it while having sex. We’re both very passionate people and there was an obvious attraction, it was just like a switch got flipped.” — Sam, 29

Now, a climax may put a smile on anyone’s face, but there is a point where too much of a good thing can ruin your life. After a freak accident, this man was left with a condition that leaves him with 100 orgasms every single day:

If you thought that was a strange situation, check out number 4!

The post Ten Men Describe The Most Memorable Orgasm They’ve Ever Experienced appeared first on Viral Thread.

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