Teenager Shot In The Face Finally Removes Her Mask After Receiving A Brand New Face

When Chrissy Steltz was 16-years-old, the course of her life drastically changed. By that, I don’t mean that she enrolled in college or got a job like most ordinary teenagers of the same age. No, Chrissy’s life was altered by a freak accident during spring break.

The pretty teen, who’d moved out of her family home to live with her boyfriend, was at a friend’s party when one of the guests began to play with a stolen shotgun.

The straight-A student warned the guest to put the gun away, calling his antics “dangerous”. But he told her not to be concerned, for the gun wasn’t loaded. Then, a few seconds later, a rogue bullet hit Chrissy directly in the face.

Her boyfriend, who wasn’t at the party, arrived on the scene shortly afterward to find Chrissy in a desperate state. Despite her horrific injuries, Chrissy remained conscious.

Chrissy’s injuries were severe, but now a medical miracle means she can look like her old self. Watch her transformation here…


Talking to ABC News, her now ex-boyfriend recalls what he saw:  “I don’t know if you have ever seen like a wounded animal trying to get up. That’s what I saw. I saw an injury that nobody survives, except somebody really strong. And she was trying to get up.”

The post Teenager Shot In The Face Finally Removes Her Mask After Receiving A Brand New Face appeared first on Viral Thread.

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