10 Jul Teenage Gorillas Break into Secured Dens and Go on ‘Vandalism Spree’
Your teenage years are usually characterised as a time in which a formerly docile child develops a more self-aware ego, and thus begins to question the social structures and assumptions of the adult world, and challenge the dominance that the older generation asserts. It’s a time of rebellion; when you start embracing new habits and trends, and listen to new music, read new books, and enjoy forms of culture that you were previously denied.
Of course, this usually manifests itself as hoodlumism. Even I, a perennial nerd if ever there was one, engaged in screaming matches with my parents, vocally resented authority, and spent a lot of time getting drunk with friends and making a lot of loud noise. I couldn’t help it: it’s human nature. In fact, it’s even more fundamental than that: it’s a innate part of belonging to a hominid species.
Yes, it turns out that even other Apes can have rebellious teens, who trade drugs and loud music for tearing up their territory like a stag do in Amsterdam. Don’t believe me? Well think again. A small zoo in England has allegedly suffered thousands of pounds worth of damage after a gang of teenage gorillas managed to escape from their enclosure and run riot, committing acts of vandalism on a mass scale and causing chaos before being safely apprehended.
Was the incident inspired by the famous gorilla Harambe, and the lads just wanted some payback? Or is this the dawn of the Planet of the Apes? Charton Heston can’t help us now!
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