15 Jun Teen Takes 92-Year-Old To His High School Prom For Heartwarming Reason…
Now everybody loves a cute story like this one, but what you didn’t know is that there is much more to this story than what you would initially expect. The Stafford High School junior Stephen Vigil wanted to make his prom memorable and take someone that was special to him to the prom. But this teen wasn’t thinking about the girl in the class he had a crush on.
Instead, Stephen Vigil decided this was the perfect opportunity to spend time with one woman in his life who he really valued. He wanted his prom to be one he would never forget, and wanted to make his date for the prom’s night also one that she would cherish forever…
Who Did You Take To Your Prom?
Having a dance, getting a couple of drinks and making your mark on your school life in the most stylish dress or suit you can get your hands on is what prom is all about, and your prom date is somebody you’ll remember for the rest of your life. It’s the night everyone at high school eagerly waits for. So naturally, a few eyebrows raised when Stephen asked if he could take his Grandma…
NEXT: The reason why he asked his Grandmother is absolutely heart-breaking…
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