Teen Shows Her Bullies Who’s Boss By Turning Up To Prom With 126-Strong Biker Gang

From awkward first kisses to hours spent searching for the perfect prom outfit, there are a few commonalities that more or less everyone will get to experience during their high school years.

However, for far too many students bullying is another – much darker – right of passage, with up to one-third of US students saying they have been bullied at school. And despite the huge number of people who fall victim to the taunts of others, the truth is that being bullied can make you feel completely alone in the world.

So when Chloe Robson – a 16-year-old student from County Durham, England, who had experienced years of torment from her peers – decided to go to prom, she was understandably terrified. Fortunately for her, however, there were a group of people on hand to ensure that she felt anything but alone.

In fact, there were 126 of them.

You see, as every prom-goer knows, if you’re going to make an impact on the big night then you need to make a spectacular entrance. Some people hire expensive limousines, others turn up on ponies or even digger trucks. Chloe may have beat them all, however, after turning up in a fancy car with her very own motorcade, formed of over one hundred motorbikes, all of whom were revving their engines.

In footage of her arrival at Lumley Castle in Chester le Steet, where her leavers’ celebration was being held, Chloe can be seen arriving in a silver classic car with blacked out windows as all of the bikers continue to stream past her, serenading her with their engines for almost five minutes.

And despite all the noise, it’s surprisingly moving…

Watch as Chloe arrives at prom with her personal biker gang: 


She said: “I was really nervous about going to the prom and the reaction I’d get.”

Although she knew that there would be some bikers in attendance, she didn’t quite realise how all-out the group would go for her: “It was a big shock when we heard the engines and all the bikers turned up – I wasn’t expecting that many but it made me feel supported and confident,” adding: “They were surrounding the car all the way there and then escorted me to the school.”

It certainly made a huge impact on other students too, with the video showing an awestruck crowd full of other students, teachers and the families of other students, who then proceed to start clapping and cheering for her.

“It was an indescribable moment – my friends all ran up and said, ‘Wow, that was an entrance.’”

The unusual entrance was arranged by Bikers Against Bullies, a support group who “create awareness surrounding bullying and offer support to victims and their families”, which is run by Chloe’s uncle, Grant Robson.

The 42-year-old explained his reasons for setting up the group, saying: “I was bullied at school, but when I was at school you just got a bit beat up, but these days you have social media – the biggest bully in the world is Facebook.”

“I’ve seen some of the messages bullies send, things like ‘I hope you stop breathing in your sleep’,” he added.

Unfortunately, Chloe’s entire school career had been plagued by bullies, with pupils teasing her about her appearance, calling her names and making fun of the way she speaks as far back as primary school.

By the time she reached high school, the bullies had graduated onto also launching physical assaults and throwing objects at her.

Chloe, who remains clueless as to why it was her that was targeted, opened up about the effect that years of bullying had on her, saying: “The bullying had a bad effect – it made me feel left out and alone.” She added: “I had no-one to talk to about it and worried if I said anything it would get around – it will have a long-term effect on me.”

In order to help others in her situation, Chloe has now joined Bikers Against Bullies to help with their social media and photography requirements. It’ll also be good practice for her future career, with the teen about to progress onto studying Media and Photography in post-16 education.

All in all, Chloe’s is an amazing story of hundreds of people coming together to say no to bullies and to do something special for just one person, which is pretty great when you think about it. Even better, it seems to have worked too, as she told the BBC on the evening: “I feel like I’m special and I’m important tonight. And it’s boosted my confidence a lot.”

The post Teen Shows Her Bullies Who’s Boss By Turning Up To Prom With 126-Strong Biker Gang appeared first on Viral Thread.

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