16 Apr Stunning Models From Over 100 Years Ago Who Got Your Great-Grandad’s Heart Pumping
Let’s face it, since the creation of the camera, pretty women have always been photographed for our viewing pleasure. And even before cameras, men used to keep tiny, handpainted portraits of their wives or mistresses so they could look at their beloved at any time they pleased.
While nudes were certainly in fashion for personal portraiture, the photographs of models and actresses from over a century ago were much more covered up than most of the supermodels we see today. However, that doesn’t mean they were any less gorgeous.
The ten women photographed below may all have experienced the height of their fame well over 100 years ago and would never have understood Victoria’s Secret or Playboy or becoming “Insta-famous”, but they all had legions of fans who thought they were the most beautiful women on the planet.
To be honest, every one of them is still an absolute knock-out, even by modern standards, and to think that not a single one has had a boob job, botox injection, or butt lift. These girls are the real deal and I’m sure a few photos will leave some folks wishing more models still looked like this.
Check them out, you won’t be disappointed:
1. Ione Bright, 1912
This beauty was a Broadway actress, who took part in five theatrical shows between 1910 and 1937.
2. Marjorie Leet, 1924
Stunning Marjorie was born in Iowa and is best known for acting in the movies Encounter and On Camera.
3. Vanessa Parker, 1900
This turn of the century knock-out was the picture of perfection.
This next model is perhaps the most beautiful on this list…
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